Sobre a Golden Service

Na Golden Service, oferecemos serviços de instalação, manutenção e reparação de acessórios para veículos automotores, garantindo qualidade e confiança para nossos clientes.

A red vintage car is mounted vertically on a wooden wall with the text 'Mechanic on Duty' displayed on the side. The car appears weathered, adding a rustic charm to the installation. The wall features additional text below, partially visible, displaying 'AUTO REPAIR'.
A red vintage car is mounted vertically on a wooden wall with the text 'Mechanic on Duty' displayed on the side. The car appears weathered, adding a rustic charm to the installation. The wall features additional text below, partially visible, displaying 'AUTO REPAIR'.



Clientes satisfeitos

Serviços de qualidade


Estamos localizados para atender suas necessidades de instalação e manutenção de acessórios para veículos automotores com qualidade e eficiência.


Rua Exemplo, 123


Seg a Sex

A red car is suspended on a vehicle lift in the middle of an auto repair garage. The garage has a high ceiling, fluorescent lights, and appears to be equipped with various tools and machinery along the walls. The floor of the garage is slightly wet and has a drain in the middle. There is a sign in Italian visible on the right side of the image.
A red car is suspended on a vehicle lift in the middle of an auto repair garage. The garage has a high ceiling, fluorescent lights, and appears to be equipped with various tools and machinery along the walls. The floor of the garage is slightly wet and has a drain in the middle. There is a sign in Italian visible on the right side of the image.


Veja nossos serviços de instalação e manutenção de veículos automotores.

A person crouches in front of a white luxury car, examining or adjusting the license plate on the front bumper. The scene is set on a brick driveway next to a small workshop or garage. The car's grille, LED headlight, and the logo are prominently visible.
A person crouches in front of a white luxury car, examining or adjusting the license plate on the front bumper. The scene is set on a brick driveway next to a small workshop or garage. The car's grille, LED headlight, and the logo are prominently visible.
A car is elevated on a hydraulic lift in a garage, revealing its undercarriage. Below, a complex car engine is placed on a stand with numerous cables and components surrounding it. The area is filled with tools and other automotive equipment, creating a busy and industrial atmosphere.
A car is elevated on a hydraulic lift in a garage, revealing its undercarriage. Below, a complex car engine is placed on a stand with numerous cables and components surrounding it. The area is filled with tools and other automotive equipment, creating a busy and industrial atmosphere.